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Friday, December 05, 2003

Sucks to Be Rush

Man, it must suck to be Rush right about now. Bad enough he's a recovering Vicadin junkie, but now he's got the Florida Attorney General snooping around in his "bidness"...

I guess he'll have to find a new source of endorsement revenue.

Movies for Guys who Like Movies

Thank You, Men's Journal.

Wednesday, December 03, 2003


Which Superhero Are You?
a picture of the tick, in his bright blue suit, with only his face showing out of it. he has small antennas as well. very goofy.
Congratulations! You are The Tick! cute and
innocent, ridiculously funny. you fight crime
in a unique and laughable way. check out the
self titled comic, or even the cartoon!

What comic book character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla