Wednesday, November 20, 2002
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
Tonight I am totally lost, mentally. I could just veg out for the rest of the week and I don't know why. I am searching for the catalyst to get my motivation back and coming up with non-combustables. WTF!!! Arrrrrrggghh!!!!
Maybe this will get me going. Guns and gun laws. Nah. Nothing there that hasn't been tread before. Nothing to bring the two polarized extremes of the issue together. Just like abortion and church/state separation. Polarized issues with no one really talking about them because of the all-or-nothing mentality of the "true believers" of the cause. Fight the fight for total victory rather than develop understanding and compromise. Regress rather than progress. Partial victory is not acceptable.
Understanding and harmony are things that take generations to evolve. IMHO the enlightenment of previous generations has been thrown away by the Baby Boom Generation. They had the generational bully pulpit and boy are they ever bullies. They tore apart the fabric of American society just because they saw inequality in everything. The just causes, like civil rights, served to justify the elevation of ancillary issues that had marginal benefit.
True vision gets obliterated by the ends justifying the means.
Just something to think about.