Things you probably shouldn't say out loud at work.
1. My feet smell like Fritos!
2. New Corporate Policy: Coffee enemas!
3. I hear Accounting is having a nude limbo contest.
4. We're only 14 stories up. I bet he lands on his feet.
5. Hey Tommy Sodomy, you had your bathroom sexcapade yet? I gotta take a dump and wanna do it in privacy.
6. I know where the boss hides his stash of smack!
7. Nice baby! Let's see if he likes the microwave ride.
8. Ooooo.... Too many chili bean burritos for lunch!
9. It will only hurt more if you squirm, maggot!
10. With this blood sacrifice, o dark lords of marketing, I summon forth our new consultant.... Cthulu!
11. Boxers or Briefs? Boxers or Briefs? Ah, the hell with it, I choose nothing.
1. My feet smell like Fritos!
2. New Corporate Policy: Coffee enemas!
3. I hear Accounting is having a nude limbo contest.
4. We're only 14 stories up. I bet he lands on his feet.
5. Hey Tommy Sodomy, you had your bathroom sexcapade yet? I gotta take a dump and wanna do it in privacy.
6. I know where the boss hides his stash of smack!
7. Nice baby! Let's see if he likes the microwave ride.
8. Ooooo.... Too many chili bean burritos for lunch!
9. It will only hurt more if you squirm, maggot!
10. With this blood sacrifice, o dark lords of marketing, I summon forth our new consultant.... Cthulu!
11. Boxers or Briefs? Boxers or Briefs? Ah, the hell with it, I choose nothing.